Internet Exploder is simply another way of browsing the net.
But its medium is the paper, not a digital screen. The dot matrix printer prints the texts of the site you are visiting and puts a unique 5 digit number next to each link on the page. The browsing takes place by dialing those link numbers printed on the paper.

But in the meantime, Internet Exploder also works on the background, collects the images of the web site in question and places them randomly on a semi transparent canvas that surrounds the user. This self generated composition on the canvas (which can also be seen by the people outside) eventually turns into your very piece of art whilst the print out becomes a log of your creation process;
a manifest if you like.

Internet Exploder deconstructs the cyberspace and reconstructs it in the real world by tracing your browsing session.

(the web version works with both IE 5.0+ and NN 4.x on PC.
For Macintosh platforms, only NN 4.x is supported.)